Back to work

Posted on March 30, 2020 by Niek Nijsen

As mentioned in the February newsletter, I was left with a few small jobs before I could start working on my models again. I’m pleased to inform you that these have been completed and we’re back up-and-running again with the creation of more scale models. The spray booth has now been completed, other than the hole in the wall for the extraction itself. The gaps around the filters have been sealed and instantly the increase in suction could be noticed. Good thing I installed a regulator that allows me to adjust the airflow, as at full power it literally sucks the paint out of my airbrush way before reaching the model… Talk about a slight overkill. The main desk has also received another tidy-up, mainly because it still looked messy (or so I’ve been informed). The stash of kits that were initially kept underneath the desk have now been relocated to the loft and I’ve had a good clear-out of my spare parts, which have now been condensed into a single box instead of five.

But let’s be honest, you’re probably not interested in this as much as you are in the actual models themselves. So, let’s look at what’s been happening at the bench over the last few weeks.

The only model I’m currently working on is this one. Now that I can use the new paint booth, I’ve gone straight in there and painted a lot of the parts that have been desperately waiting for some colour. I’ve tried a technique I normally don’t, which is painting parts while still on the sprue. No clue how this is going to turn out, so fingers crossed. Most of the cockpit parts and some of the structural bits have been painted, as well as the inside of the left wing. The latter is the one that will be left open with all the internal details visible. This was then brush painted with un-thinned oils in order to create a wood effect. First time I’ve done this but I’m happy with the result. Take a look at the photos and let me know what you think, any feedback is much appreciated. Other than the painting I’ve been able to do some PE work on the instrument and side panels.

The next step will be to put it all together and start the weathering process. More on that hopefully soon.

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